Category Archives: Profiles

Team Profile: Bugatti

To be profiled on Grand Prix Rejects, a constructor must have scored fewer than seven points in world championship F1 or F2 events since 1950 under any of the pre-2003 points systems. Most readers of the site are presumed to have knowledge of this criterion

The Great Escape – Tiago Monteiro & Narain Karthikeyan

While Grand Prix Rejects primarily writes profiles for the official list of Rejects – those with 2 points or less under the classic F1 points system – it is no less important to stress that there are drivers who absolutely befit the spiritual definition of

Profile – Lella Lombardi

Lella Lombardi’s significance to Formula 1 history cannot be understated. As one of two women to qualify for an F1 race, she is the only one to have scored points, and half a point at that. However, while the majority focus is on that fateful

Profile – François Migault

What makes the most interesting human stories is often the compulsion involved in their rise from nothing to something. However, many Formula 1 drivers are financially quite well-endowed, and the interest in them comes from what they do rather than who they are. François Migault

Profile – Allen Berg

Not all rejects are poor drivers, and not all poor drivers are rejects. For once, we will discuss a driver whose luck was neither with him nor against him, just as his talent was neither world-beating nor lacking. Allen Berg, one of the surprisingly few

Profile – Tora Takagi

Editor’s note: this profile was co-written by Kinnikuniverse and Jeremy Scott Toranosuke, Tora, “Tiger” Takagi sits in the history books as yet another young Japanese talent of the 1990s, a case of false hope and unfulfilled promise. However, he was one of a long generation

Profile – Vincenzo Sospiri

Vincenzo “Vince” Sospiri has a pitiful record as an F1 driver. Every other record shows him as one of the greatest drivers of his generation. A domineering karting champion, he took the accolades of Schumacher and Senna, beating the former convincingly in multiple series. He

Profile – Yuji Ide

Few names in Formula 1 invoke more presumptions and preconceptions than Yuji Ide’s. The Japanese driver came to the series with little to no international experience, driving for a brand-new backmarker team with limited resources, no testing, and a four-year-old car. Unsurprisingly, he floundered and

Profile – Jolyon Palmer

There is not yet any scientific evidence that genes have an effect on one’s racing talent. However, a famous surname can at least go a long way for support and connections. Jolyon Palmer was able to benefit enough from family backing and a great education

Profile – Roger Loyer

The racing world of the 1950s is full of hidden gems, to say the absolute least. The career lifecycle of drivers was perhaps even longer than it is today, even if the expected lifespan was shorter. Opportunities were endless to travel back and forth around