F1 Rejects Cycling Challenge: Tour de France underway!

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F1 Rejects Cycling Challenge: Tour de France underway!

Post by Shadaza »

Welcome Welcome one and all to the greatest race on the planet, le Tour de France.

It is with great honour I Invite teams and riders from across the globe to take cycling's greatest prize, Tour de France champion!

Users are welcome to register a team and/or riders for the upcoming race. The rule is, only one team per user but there is no limit to the number of riders, teams enter 9 riders in to the tour.

The Simulation used will be the wonderful, Pro Cycling Manager 2012 game.

Teams and riders will fight for a number of trophies:
The overall leader by time
The Points Jersey for stage wins
The King of the Mountains Jersey
Young Rider Trophy (for under 26's)
and the Team Trophy for best combined time.

The following template is to be used:

Team Creation Template

Team Name:
3 Letter Abbreviation:
Jersey Colours:

Player Creation Template
Birthdate (or just age):
Primary Skills: (Pick 3 of, Flat, Mountain, Hills, Downhill, Time Trial, Endurance, Prologue, Resistance, Recovery, Cobbles, Fighting Spirit, Sprint, Acceleration)

The Tour is divided in to Time Trials (1 small Prologue, 2 large) Flat Stages (9) Medium Mountain stages (or hills) (4) and Mountain Stages (5) Where time trials and mountain stages offer the biggest advantage in making time, whilst bunch sprint finishes on flat stages are the best point scoring opportunities.
Last edited by Shadaza on 14 Sep 2013, 13:56, edited 21 times in total.
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by Shadaza »

Teams+ Their Riders
1.Foster's Good Cycle
Klaus Fahrrad -Hills, Mountain, Endurance
Ed Kevin -FS, Mountain, Endurance
Craig Beic -Down Hill, Prologue, Flat
Jaap van Riebek - Resistance, Acceleration, Mountain
Thomas Yorke - Flat, Endurance, Recovery
Daniel Sims - Hills, Resistance, FS
Dave Hedgehog - DH, Sprint, Acceleration
Terry Skiverton - TT, Prologue, Resistance
David O'Reilly - Endurance, Cobbles, FS
Mitchell Webb -Flat, Sprint, Resistance
Matsohiro Mizuhara - Endurance, Resistance, FS
Antonio Arena - Recovery, Flat, Acceleration
Ragnar Solmundsson - TT, Endurance, Resistance
Nicola Casella - DH, Cobble, Recovery
Piero Riccone -Endurance, Mountain, Downhill
Andy Badger - Hills, Flat, Mountain
Jermaine d'Alberto - Sprint, Hills, Acceleration
Dennis van Walwijk - Cobbles, Sprint, Flat
Terry Wright - Cobbles, Hills, Flat
Rafael Verwest - Mountain, DH, FS
Jacques LaRossa - Acceleration, TT, Sprint

2.Twinings Earl Grey World Cycling Team
Sven Johansson- Mountains, Hills, DH
Craig West- Hills, Endurance, Recovery
Alex Harris- Acceleration, FS, Mountain
James Davies- Sprint, Acceleration, FS
Ivan Shermetev- Resistance, Recovery, Endurance
Jean Gauthier - TT, Acceleration, DH
Jacob Denver -TT, Acceleration, Hills
Shinji Myamoto -Acceleration, Resistance, Sprint
Jose Vasquez -Flat, Sprint, FS
Louis Gallard-Flat, Acceleration, Sprint
Freddie Donnelly- Flat, Endurance, Resistance
Carl Kerr (GBR, 30 years, Mountain, Hills, Endurance)
Storm Danielsen (DEN, 26 years, Hills, Downhill, Recovery)
Marco Venerdi - Cobbles, Sprint, Flat
Janne Nordman - Flat, Mountain, Hills
Nikolay Borsukov - TT, Mountain, Prologue

3.Performance and Cocktails Racing Team
Bernard Jones - Mountain, Endurance, Recovery
Tomas Wojtyra -DH, Acceleration, Time Trial
Jaime Carling - Hills, DH, Prologue
Stefan Lomassonn -Sprint, Recovery, Flat
Kenta Nakimaka -TT, Recovery, Mountains
John Jaywick - Cobbles, Endurance, FS
Daniel Martins - Mountains, Time Trial, Recovery
Brandon Plant -Mountains, Hills, FS
Wilson RIcky - Flat, Sprint, Acceleration
Hugh Englemann -Endurance, Recovery, Cobbles
Nelson Burbridge -Flat, Resistance, Prologue
Ricardo Lupo - Hills, Mountains, Endurance
Len Kozlovsky - Prologue, Sprint, Cobbles
Dougal Dalkeith - Time Trial, Endurance, Acceleration
Carlo Adjej - Sprint, Acceleration, Downhill
Norman Sumner - Flat, Recovery, Downhill
Sid Hatayuki - Hills, Downhill, Endurance
Darren Matthews - Acceleration, Prologue, Endurance

4.United Boxtel Cycling Team
Preston Senerson - Time Trial, Mountains, Hills
Karl van de Graaf - TT, Flat, FS
Quinton Voss -DH, Cobbles, Endurance
Istvan Feher -Resistance, Acceleration, Hills
Leonel Canfora -Prologue, TT, Endurance
Jackson Bannister -Endurance, Sprint, Hills
Arnold Abil -Flat, Hills, Resistance
Chilserk Dawson - Resistance, Hills, Acceleration
Frank Motarhouse -Endurance, Recovery, Hills
Brock Carson- Flat, FS, Sprint
Leandro Carabon- TT, Endurance, Mountain
Leandro Davidson -Acceleration, Mountain, Sprint
Roger Alfonse 33 France - Time Trial, Endurance, Acceleration
Vinny de Moor - FS, Acceleration, Mountain
Salimgirey Rasulov - Flat, Mountain, DH
Siergiej Grishin 27(Russia),Fighting Spirit,Downhill,Flat

5.Equipe Fantomette
Arthur Vergamet - TT, Res, Sprint
Francois Ndiekele - Hills, Cobbles, Acceleration
Rui Miranda - Mountains, Prologue, Acceleration
Bernard Roullaint - Flat, Endurance, FS
Alexandre Charpantier - Mountain, Recovery, Sprint
Demetrio Molina - DH, Cobbles, Endurance
Ingo Voeller - Flat, DH, FS
Hiroshi Kekami - Prologue, Recovery, Hills
Piercarlo Balder -Endurance, Sprint, TT
Jonson Edderly - Prologue, Sprint, FS
Alexandre Cadinho -Mountain, Endurance, Recovery
Siggi Judsen -Flat, Time Tiral, Cobbles
Nobert Centrone - Hills, Mountain, Endurance
Üyük Çeynan - Cobbles, Mountain, Fighting Spirit
Yevegni Dus - Recovery, DH, Sprint
Pablo Gargano - Prologue, Sprint, Acceleration
Fabiano Accelerara - TT, Sprint, Acceleration
Max Epoque - Resistance, Endurance, Fighting Spirit

6.Hitachi ProTour Cycling

Hirohito Kamizaki - Mountain, Endurance, TT
Jorge Luis Hernandez -Mountain, Recovery, Acceleration
Jerry Fletcher-Hills, Recovery, FS
Katsuko Hondo -Flat, Sprint, Acceleration
Yuki Shizzuno -Hill, Resistance, FS
Taki Takashita- FS, Sprint, Acceleration
Claudio Bonotellio- Mountain, Endurance, Resistance
Franceso Rossi- Flat, TT, Endurance
Kozuke Okada- Mountain, DH, Endurance
Daryl Foley (GBR) Flat, Prologue, Cobbles
Francois Le Bleu (FRA) Hills, Endurance, Resistance
Sochiro Hamasaki (JPN) Flat, Endurance, Acceleration
Tadi Nokaro (JPN) Mountain, Hills, Resistance
Daniel Morales (ESP) Hills, Time Trial, Resistance
Harry Pritchard (GBR) Resistance, Cobbles, Sprint
Esteban Fuentes (ESP) Mountain, Resistance, Recovery
Oleg Brutschev (RUS) Flat, Hills, Fighting Spirit
Paddy Quinn (IRE) Flat, Endurance, Sprint

7.Team Cip
Ravil Yegorov - Mountain, TT, Recovery
Yevgeni Yurkov - Mountain, Hill, FS
Olivier Corday - FS, Endurance, DH
Albert Oosterling - Cobbles, Sprint, Flat
Giovanni Abruzzo -Prologue, Hill, Acceleration
Santxo Aizkibel - Mountain, DH, Resistance
Jesper Sand - Flat, Endurance, TT
Gaitjil Goolagong - Sprint, TT, Resistance
Börje Eriksson, Sweden 27 - Fighting Spirit, Cobbles, Hills
Olav Moen, Norway, 30 - Mountain, Downhill, Recovery
Paul Schulz, Germany, 21 - Sprint, Resistance, Prologue
Marek Michalek, Czech Republic, 36 - Flat, Time Trial, Endurance
Slobodan Tomic, Slovenia, 28 - Fighting Spirit, Hills, Resistance
Pedro Mota, Portugal, 24 - Time Trial, Recovery, Acceleration
Donald McRae, Canada, 28 - Endurance, Flat, Hills
Sancho Gutierrez, Mexico, 29 - Mountain, Hills, Acceleration
Marcos Perez, Argentina, 37, Sprint, Flat, Fighting Spirit
Bart Bouwer, Netherlands, 26, Cobbles, Hills, Acceleration
Volkan Necipoglu, Turkey, 20, Sprint, Flat, Prologue
Michael Payne, United States, 28, Endurance, Time Trial, Recovery
Dong Yan, China, 23, Mountain, Hills, Acceleration

8.Cycling Circus

Stefan Popiel - Mountain, Endurance, Resistance
Nasser Abdulrashid - Flat, Hills, Resistance
Abraham Simon - Cobbles, Sprint, Flat
Thaksin Metharom -Endurance, Sprint, TT
Åbjørn Langerud - Time Trial, Acceleration and Sprint
Leon Zlobin, 29. Mountain, Endurance and Resistance

9.Community Cyclist Initiative. (Previously Samsung/Skoda Firehawk Cycling Team)
Anand Singh - Mountain, Recovery, Flat
Jason Edison - FS, TT, Resistance
Yudi Sucahyo - Prologue, Sprint, Acceleration
Nigel Roberts - Cobbles, DH, Flat
Shuichi Iketani - Hills, FS, Sprint
Mauricio Sassetti - Cobbles, FS, TT
Pedro Massini - Prologue, Sprint, Acceleration
Jack Andrews - Sprint, Resistance, Recovery
Joji Yazaki - DH, TT, FS
Phillippe de Jong, Dutch, 23 - Cobbles, Time Trial, Down Hill
Siddharth Kumar, Indian, 24 - Acceleration, Fighting Spirit, Resistance
Dominic Roberts, German, 24 -Mountain, Cobble, Time Trial
Paolo da Silva, Brazilian, 22 -Time Trial, Endurance, Mountain
Paul Murphy, British, 25 - Acceleration, Time Trial, Mountain
Hussain Inam, Pakistani, 28 - Endurance, Hills, Acceleration
Park Jung-Un, South Korean, 27 - TT, Flat, Fighting Spirit
Gimmi Tanatacci 19(Italy) - Recovery, Acceleration, FS
yorslov Mechavic 17 (Russia) - FS, Hills, Endurance
Thomas Tenpenny 21 (Australia) - Hills, Time Trial, Mountain
Oscar Vance USA (age 35, fighting spirit, acceleration, resistance).

10.Minardi Cycling Team
Vincenzo Tolano - Mountain, Recovery, TT
Walt Beerrider - TT, Recovery, Cobbles
Daniele Rampazza - Hills, DH, Sprint
Alex Awang - Prologue, Flat, Resistance
Robert Cziczkas - Sprint, Acceleration, FS
Thor Tromsen - Hills, DH, Sprint
Raul Julandro Jimenez - Mountains, Endurance, Acceleration
Gianluigi Ricchi - Mountain, Hill, Cobbles
Phillipe Viruolien - Mountains, Hills, Acceleration
Arnets Barriotxega (Basque(/Spanish), 27, endurance, fighting spirit, resistance)
Marcus Bennett (South African, 24, flat, acceleration, cobbles)
Harry White (British, 20, TT, prologue, recovery)
Rinaldo Ranozzi (Italian, 23, hills, endurance, resistance)
Davide Cozzo (Italian, 22, resistance, recovery, downhill)
Martin Jaeger - Resistance, Sprint, Flat
Quizo Quintana - Mountain, Recovery, Resistance
Nicola Casella - Downhill, Cobble, Recovery
Takuma Yumoto (Japanese, 27, flat, resistance, endurance)
Gert Van Lijwouk (Belgian, 25, fighting spirit, cobbles, mountain)
William Goodspeed (American, 24, prologue, flat, TT)
Paolo Lesallo (Italian, 28, downhill, mountain, hills)
Shane Reid (New Zealander, 30, flat, recovery, prologue)
Artem Tereshin (Russian, 21, Mountain, downhill, fighting spirit)

11.Battery Energy Drink Cycling Team
Jari-Matti Valanthi - Mountain, Resistance, Endurance
Franco Rimolta - Mountain, DH, Resistance
Barry Firestone - Flat, Sprint, TT
Stefan Muller - Mountain, TT, Endurance
Olivier Ricard - Mountain, Resistance, Acceleration
Jan Ahlberg - Hills, Prologue, SPrint
Ryan Nelson - Flat, Sprint, Acceleration
Joakim Larrson - Hills, DH, FS
Takuma Masuhama Hills, TT, Endurance
Fernando Sousa - Mountains, Resistance, TT
Pedro Sousa-Mountains, Resistance, TT
Simon Hill - Sprint, Cobles, FS
Johan Kelstrom - Hills, FS, Acceleration [SWE]
Anthony de Vries - Mountans, Hills, TT [NED]
Roberto Vasquez de Silva - Hills, Sprint, FS [ARG]
Pavel Ranchek - Hills, Downhill, FS[RUS]
Jeroen Braams - Hills, Mountains, FS

12.Alitalia-Parmalat Bianchi
Lorenzo Romano - Sprint, Acceleration, Flat
Emanuele Montella - Prologue, Time Trial, Flat
Timothee Voeckler - Mountains, Time Trial, Endurance
Alessio Monteverdi - Mountains, Resistance, FS
Stefano Firenze - Hills, Mountains, Recovery
Claudio Castiglione - Hills, DH, Resistance
Artan Karimi - Flat, DH, Endurance
Xavier De Vos - Hills, Acceleration, Cobbles
Vincenzo Mazzola - Acceleration, Sprint, Endurance
Pierro Saltamachhia - Endurance, Resistance, FS
Heidar Helguson - Mountains, Recovery, Sprint
Mika Pyora - Cobbles, Sprint, Endurance
Raphael Le Clercq - Hills, Cobbles, Sprint
Maarten Hooiveld [NED] (26yo, Flat, Hills, Sprint)
Gianni Marzano [ITA] (29yo, Flat, Sprint, Resistance)
Przemyslaw Kolodziejczak [POL] (22yo, Flat, Hills, Recovery)
Fermintxo Intxausti [EUS] (25yo, Mountain, Downhill, Endurance)
Vincenzo Jacomuzzi [ITA] (26yo) Hills, Endurance, Fighting Spirit
Stef Flugshreiber -Flat, Sprint, Acceleration
Juan Pablo Martinez - Time Trial, Flat, Endurance

13.Lansvale Smash Repairs Racing

Naseef Aqeem - Flat, Cobbles, FS
Kang Xian Bin - Mountains, Resistance, Cobbles
Michael Chow - Flat, Sprint, Acceleration
Tamak Bisiklet - TT, Acceleration, Mountains
Jean-Marie Van Fiets - Endurance, FS, Recovery
Jean Velo - Flat, FS, Endurance
Giovani Bicicletta - Mountain, Resistance, Acceleration
Jizdni Kolo - TT, Acceleration, Endurance
Roberto Di Magneta - Flat, Sprint, Cobbles
David Lee - Flat, Resistance, Prologue
Peiter Briggs - Resistance, Recovery, FS
Nicolas Pedersen - Mountain, FS, DH
Zsolt Gaumbartner - Endurance, Sprint, Flat
Tomas Knutsen - DH, FS, Prologue
Artem Kraviz - Endurance, Sprint, Hills
Yusuke Tanaka -Resistance, TT, Acceleration

14.National Steroid Association Racing Team (NSA Racing Team)
Wesley Duncan - Prologue, Resistance, TT
Randall Clarks - Flat, Resistance, FS
John Vonn - Cobbles, TT, Flat
Alexey Volkov - Mountains, Endurance, Hills
Janice Edwards - Recovery, Endurance, Acceleration
Laurens Buivart - Endurance, Resistance, Mountain
Kevin Frederickson - Cobbles, Sprint, Acceleration
Jason Melbourne - Mountains, Hills, FIghting Spirit
David Clarkson - Fighting Spirit, Flat, Hills
James Collins - Endurance, Resistance, Recovery
Colin Thompson - Endurance, Sprint, Acceleration
Pavel Gafurov - Hills, Cobbles, Mountains
Maxim Drozdov 21(Russia),Hills,Cobbles,Recovery
Uno Sandberg- Mountain, Hills, FS
Alexandre Vache -Flat, Sprint, Cobbles
Jase van der Boom- Endurance, Sprint, Flat
Rafal Piotrowski 26(Poland),Flat,Mountain,Fighting Spirit
Moorighan Whitcombe - Mountain, Downhill, Recovery
Carey Brice - DH, Recovery, Endurance

John Firclont - Endurance, Recovery, Cobbles
Jimmy Kay - Endurance, Sprint, Flat
Vladamir Mechavic - Flat, Acceleration, Endurance
Fernando Vettel - Resistance, Time Trial, Mountain
Sebastian Alonso - Resistance, Acceleration, Time Trial
Joel Janz Marquez 18 (Argentina) - Flat, Endurance, FS
Claudi Gusto 24 (Chile) - Sprint, Downhill, Flat
Gimmi Mallatacci 25 (Italy) Endurance,hills time trial
Boo Radley-Biggins -Mountain, Time trial, FS

16.Gazprom Restov Racing Cycling Team
Andrei Dzagoev 22 Russia - Sprint, Acceleration, FS
Hans Drecker 34 Germany - Flat, Endurance, Recovery
Sergei Baloshikinov 25 Georgia - Mountain, Hills, Downhill
Diniyar Akinfeev 31 Russian - Prologue, Resistance, Recovery
Torsten Fritz 29 Germany - Flat, Time Trial, Endurance
Jakub Radiszki 37 Poland - Mountain, Hills, Recovery
David Odonkor 28 Germany - Sprint, Acceleration, Flat
Claus Jensen 31 Denmark - Flat, Time Trial, Endurance
Jose Aramento Garcia 23 Portugal - Flat, Resistance, Recovery

17. Hunter Pro Cycling Team
Michael Bridgeport (26, UK) Flat, Acceleration, Sprint
Pierre Vincent (31, France) Flat, Acceleration, Endurance
Samuel Fairclough (22, UK) Flat, Recovery, Endurance
Fabian Abt (30, Germany) Cobbles, Fighting Spirit, Recovery
Timur Chokin (27,Kazakhstan) Prologue, Hills, Downhill
Thomas Archer (20, USA) Time Trial, Recovery, Resistance
Jorge Fierro (29, Spain) Resistance, Mountain, Downhill
Francois Labelle (24, France) Endurance, Mountain, Hills
James Taylor (25, Australia) TT, Flat, Endurance

18.Appalachian Pro Cycling
Mikhail Petrovich (25,Russia) Sprint, Flat, TT
Matjaž Hodapp (23, Slovenia) Mountain, Endurance, Downhill
Abillo Acosta (29, Portugal) TT, Recovery, Fighting Spirit
Cameron Malloy (24,USA) Mountain, Acceleration, Resistance
Grégoire Beaufort (23, Canada) Prologue, Acceleration, TT
Jakob Schmidt (26, Austria) Flat, Sprint, Recovery
James Machendrie (32, UK) Hill, Downhill, Endurance
Wolf Leitner (31, Austria) Mountain, Hill, Resistance
Sam Smith (24, USA) Mountain, Fighting Spirit, Recovery

19.Loyer Racing Tigers

Sebastian Pinter (18, Austria) Flat, Sprint, Acceleration
Vladislav Stark (20, Belarus) Flat, Sprint, Acceleration
Christian Stark (25, Austria) Flat, Recovery, Acceleration
Paolo Nesterini (29, Italy) Mountain, Time Trial, Resistance
Anton Pushkin (32, Russia) Mountain, Recovery, Fighting Spirit
Jim Stingwell (28, UK) Flat, Cobbles, Acceleration
Daniel van der Bruegge (30, Netherlands) Hills, TT, Recovery
Miguel Sombrero (25, Spain) Mountain, TT, Recovery
Davide Simoni (24, Italy) Mountain, Hills, Acceleration

Unattached Riders (In team Barbarian or Rebel for TDF)

Constant Lagg- Mountain, Recovery, Sprint
Morgan Blosse- Endurance, Sprint, TT
Mitchell Starecase - Sprint, Downhill Cobbles
Andrei Garasimchuk - Mountains, Flat, FS
Aleksandr Stefanovic - Mountain, FS, Recovery
Takeru Watanabe 31(Japan),Fighting Spirit,Acceleration,Prologue
Martin Stensky 24(Slovakia),Downhill,Sprint,Acceleration
Jacques LaRossa - Acceleration, TT, Sprint
Danilo Ceccon (Italian, 24, acceleration, TT, sprint)
Last edited by Shadaza on 12 Sep 2013, 11:12, edited 62 times in total.
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by AndreaModa »

Are we meant to use real-life riders, or are we inventing our own? Looks like quite a fun thing to do, so I'll definitely be entering! :D
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by pasta_maldonado »

I'm in!

Team Name: Foster's Good Cycle
3 Letter Abbreviation: FGC
Nationality: Britain
Jersey Colours: Blue, White, Gold

Name: Jean Velo
Age: 23
Nationality: FRANCE
Primary Skills: Flat, Fighting Spirit,Endurance

Name: Giovanni Bicicletta
Age: 27
Nationality: ITALY
Primary Skills: Mountain, Resistance, Acceleration

Name: Jízdní Kolo
Age: 30
Nationality: Czech
Primary Skills: Time Trial, Acceleration, Endurance

Name: Craig Beic
Age: 20
Nationality: Welsh
Primary Skills: Downhill, Prologue, Flat

Name: Mika Pyörä
Age: 24
Nationality: Finland
Primary Skills: Cobbles, Sprint, Endurance

Name: Klaus Fahrrad
Age: 24
Nationality: German
Primary Skills: Hills, Mountain, Endurance

Name:Tamak Bisiklet
Age: 29
Nationality: Turkish
Primary Skills: Time Trial, Acceleration, Mountain

Name: Jean-Marie van Fiets
Age: 27
Nationality: Dutch
Primary Skills: Endurance, Fighting Spirit, Recovery

The 9th seat (correct terminology?) is open to anyone
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by Shadaza »

AndreaModa wrote:Are we meant to use real-life riders, or are we inventing our own? Looks like quite a fun thing to do, so I'll definitely be entering! :D

Inventing your own riders :D, you can base them off real riders if you wish.
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by pasta_maldonado »

Shadaza wrote:
AndreaModa wrote:Are we meant to use real-life riders, or are we inventing our own? Looks like quite a fun thing to do, so I'll definitely be entering! :D

Inventing your own riders :D, you can base them off real riders if you wish.

I shamelessly admit I've followed dr-baker's example wih my riders
Klon wrote:more liek Nick Ass-idy amirite?
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by Ataxia »

Team Name: Freaky Styley Racing Team
3 Letter Abbreviation: FSR
Nationality: Great Britain
Jersey Colours: Red

Here are 8 riders, I invite one more to join...

Name: Thomas Yorke
Birthdate (or just age): 19
Nationality: British
Primary Skills: Flat, Endurance, Recovery,

Name: Boo Radley-Biggins
Birthdate (or just age): 21
Nationality: British
Primary Skills: Mountain, Time Trial, Fighting Spirit

Name: Daniel Sims
Birthdate (or just age): 18
Nationality: Australian
Primary Skills: Hills, Resistance, Sprint

Name: Dave Hedgehog
Birthdate (or just age): 23
Nationality: British
Primary Skills: Downhill, Sprint, Acceleration

Name: Heidar Helguson
Birthdate (or just age): 22
Nationality: Icelandic
Primary Skills: Mountain, Recovery, Sprint

Name: Terry Skiverton
Birthdate (or just age): 26
Nationality: British
Primary Skills: Time Trial, Prologue, Resistance

Name: David O'Reilly
Birthdate (or just age): 25
Nationality: Irish
Primary Skills: Endurance, Cobbles, Fighting Spirit

Name: Mitchell Webb
Birthdate (or just age): 23
Nationality: British
Primary Skills: Flat, Sprint, Resistance
Last edited by Ataxia on 28 Aug 2012, 19:11, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by Klon »

Name: Matsohiro Mizuhara
Birthdate (or just age): 15 March 1974
Nationality: Japanese
Primary Skills: Endurance, Resistance, Fighting Spirit

Anyone willing to deal with an experienced and durable rider is free to hire him.
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by Salamander »

Team Name: Twinings Earl Grey World Cycling Team
3 Letter Abbreviation: TWI
Nationality: GBR
Jersey Colours: Black and Gold

Name: Craig West
Birthdate (or just age): 25
Nationality: GBR
Primary Skills: Hills, Endurance, Recovery

Name: Jean Gauthier
Birthdate (or just age): 32
Nationality: FRA
Primary Skills: Time Trial, Acceleration, Downhill

Name: Kevin Frederickson
Birthdate (or just age): 28
Nationality: AUS
Primary Skills: Cobbles, Sprint, Acceleration

Name: James Davies
Birthdate (or just age): 29
Nationality: GBR
Primary Skills: Sprint, Acceleration, Fighting Spirit

Name: Sven Johansson
Birthdate (or just age): 34
Nationality: SWE
Primary Skills: Mountain, Hills, Downhill

Name: Martin Jaeger
Birthdate (or just age): 27
Nationality: GER
Primary Skills: Resistance, Sprint, Flat

Name: Wesley Duncan
Birthdate (or just age): 24
Nationality: CAN
Primary Skills: Prologue, Resistance, TIme Trial

Name: Ivan Shermetev
Birthdate (or just age): 20
Nationality: RUS
Primary Skills: Resistance, Recovery, Endurance

Name: Alex Harris
Birthdate (or just age): 26
Nationality: GBR
Primary Skills: Acceleration, Fighting Spirit, Mountain
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by Londoner »

Performance and Cocktails Racing Team
Abrieviation: PCR
Nationality: Wales
Jersey Colours: Orange, dark grey, white

Name: Bernard Jones
Age: 20
Nationality: Welsh
Primary Skills: Mountain, Endurance, Recovery

Name: Roberto Di Magenta
Age: 22
Nationality: Italian
Primary Skills: Flat, Sprint, Cobbles

Name: Randall Clarks
Age: 21
Nationality: The US of A
Primary Skills: Flat, Resistance, Fighting Spirit

Name: Tomas Wojtyra
Age: 18
Nationality: Polish
Primary Skills: Downhill, Acceleration, Time Trial

Name: Jamie Carling
Age: 24
Nationality: British
Primary Skills: Hills, Downhill, Prologue

Name: Stefan Lomassonn
Age: 21
Nationality: Finnish
Primary Skills: Sprint, Recovery, Flat
Last edited by Londoner on 28 Aug 2012, 19:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by Ataxia »

Klon wrote:Name: Matsohiro Mizuhara
Birthdate (or just age): 15 March 1974
Nationality: Japanese
Primary Skills: Endurance, Resistance, Fighting Spirit

Anyone willing to deal with an experienced and durable rider is free to hire him.

I'll hire him if that's ok, means I have a full squad now :)
Mitch Hedberg wrote:I want to be a race car passenger: just a guy who bugs the driver. Say man, can I turn on the radio? You should slow down. Why do we gotta keep going in circles? Man, you really like Tide...
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by Klon »

BaconLettuceNinja wrote:
Klon wrote:Name: Matsohiro Mizuhara
Birthdate (or just age): 15 March 1974
Nationality: Japanese
Primary Skills: Endurance, Resistance, Fighting Spirit

Anyone willing to deal with an experienced and durable rider is free to hire him.

I'll hire him if that's ok, means I have a full squad now :)

Sounds about good.
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by tristan1117 »

Team Name: United Boxtel Cycling Team
3 Letter Abbreviation: UBC
Nationality: NED
Jersey Colours: Orange and Black

Name: David Lee
Birthdate (or just age): 21
Nationality: KOR
Primary Skills: Flat, Resistance, Prologue

Name: Preston Senerson
Birthdate (or just age): 25
Nationality: USA
Primary Skills: Time Trial, Mountain, Hills

Name: Karl van de Graaf
Birthdate (or just age): 24
Nationality: NED
Primary Skills: Time Trial, Flat, Fighting Spirit

Name: Quinton Vos
Birthdate (or just age): 28
Nationality: NED
Primary Skills: Downhill, Endurance, Cobbles

Name: István Feher
Birthdate (or just age): 23
Nationality: HUN
Primary Skills: Resistance, Acceleration, Mountain

Name: Leonel Canfora
Birthdate (or just age): 24
Nationality: ITA
Primary Skills: Prologue, Time Trial, Endurance

Name: Jackson Bannister
Birthdate (or just age): 21
Nationality: USA
Primary Skills: Endurance, Sprint, Hills

Name: Arnold Abil
Birthdate (or just age): 26
Nationality: Vanuatuan
Primary Skills: Flat, Hills Resistance
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by dr-baker »

pasta_maldonado wrote:
Shadaza wrote:
AndreaModa wrote:Are we meant to use real-life riders, or are we inventing our own? Looks like quite a fun thing to do, so I'll definitely be entering! :D

Inventing your own riders :D, you can base them off real riders if you wish.

I shamelessly admit I've followed dr-baker's example wih my riders

Yes, I did notice a few puns there, but my puns were all geographical, based upon the town where they were born...
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by shinji »

Name: Ed Kevin
Birthdate (or just age): 9 May 1991 (21)
Nationality: Irish
Primary Skills: Fighting Spirit, Mountains, Endurance

Available for hire by any team.
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by FantometteBR »

Team Name: Equipe Fantomette
3 Letter Abbreviation: FAN
Nationality: France
Jersey Colours: Black and Yellow

Name: Arthur Vergamat
Birthdate (or just age): 21
Nationality: CAN
Primary Skills: Time Trial, Resistance and Sprint

Name: François Ndiekele
Birthdate (or just age): 25
Nationality: CIV
Primary Skills: Hills, Cobbles, Acceleration

Name: Rui Miranda
Birthdate (or just age): 28
Nationality: POR
Primary Skills: Mountain, Prologue and Acceleration

Name: Bernard Roullaint
Birthdate (or just age): 22
Nationality: FRA
Primary Skills: Flat, Endurance and Fighting Spirit

Name: Alexandre Charpantier
Birthdate (or just age): 25
Nationality: FRA
Primary Skills: Mountain, Recovery, Sprint

Name: Demétrio Molina
Birthdate (or just age): 24
Nationality: BRA
Primary Skills: Downhill, Cobbles and Endurance

Name: Ingo Voeller
Birthdate (or just age): 22
Nationality: GER
Primary Skills: Flat, Downhill and Fighting Spirit

Name: Hiroshi Kekamai
Birthdate (or just age): 26
Nationality: JPN
Primary Skills: Prologue, Recovery, Hills

Name: Piercarlo Balder
Birthdate (or just age): 24
Nationality: ITA
Primary Skills: Endurance, Sprint, Time Trial

For any team to pick

Name: Naseef Aqeem
Birthdate (or just age): 20
Nationality: PAK
Primary Skills: Flat, Cobbles, Fighting Spirit

Name: Chilserkx Dawson
Birthdate (or just age): 27
Nationality: MLT
Primary Skills: Resistance, Hills and Acceleration
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by AndreaModa »

Team Name: Hitachi ProTour Cycling
3 Letter Abbreviation: HIT
Nationality: Japanese
Jersey Colours:

Name: Hirohito Kamazaki
Birthdate (or just age): 29
Nationality: Japanese
Primary Skills: Mountain, Endurance, Time Trial

Name: Jorge Luis Hernandez
Birthdate (or just age): 32
Nationality: Argentinian
Primary Skills: Mountain, Recovery, Acceleration

Name: Yuki Shizuno
Birthdate (or just age): 27
Nationality: Japanese
Primary Skills: Hills, Resistance, Fighting Spirit

Name: Taki Takashita
Birthdate (or just age): 25
Nationality: Japanese
Primary Skills: Fighting Spirit, Sprint, Acceleration

Name: Claudio Bonotellio
Birthdate (or just age): 32
Nationality: Italian
Primary Skills: Mountain, Endurance, Resistance

Name: Franceso Rossi
Birthdate (or just age): 26
Nationality: Italian
Primary Skills: Flat, Time Trial, Endurance

Name: Kozuke Okada
Birthdate (or just age): 30
Nationality: Japanese
Primary Skills: Mountain, Downhill, Endurance

Name: Jerry Fletcher
Birthdate (or just age): 34
Nationality: British
Primary Skills: Hills, Recovery, Fighting Spirit

Name: Katsuko Hondo
Birthdate (or just age): 27
Nationality: Japanese
Primary Skills: Flat, Sprint, Acceleration
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by Bleu »

Team CIP
Dark red, white

Ravil Yegorov 28 (Kazakhstan) Mountain, Time Trial, Recovery (pre-designated captain)
Yevgeni Yurkov 24 (Belarus) Mountain, Hills, Fighting Spirit
Jesper Sand 33 (Denmark) Flat, Endurance, Time Trial
Olivier Corday 30 (France) Fighting spirit, Endurance, Downhill
Albert Oosterling 25 (Belgium) Cobbles, Sprint, Flat (main sprinter)
Giovanni Abruzzo 22 (Italy) Prologue, Hills, Acceleration
Santxo Aizkibel 25 (Spain) Mountain, Downhill, Resistance
Quizo Quintana 33 (Colombia) Mountain, Recovery, Resistance
Gatjil Goolagong 29 (Australia) Sprint, Time trial, Resistance
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by pasta_maldonado »

shinji wrote:Name: Ed Kevin
Birthdate (or just age): 9 May 1991 (21)
Nationality: Irish
Primary Skills: Fighting Spirit, Mountains, Endurance

Available for hire by any team.

Foster's Good Cycle would like to hire Ed! Welcome aboard and have a good, errm, cycle! :lol: We do however have one question - is this the same Ed Kevin as the multiple F1 race winner?
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by Nuppiz »

pasta_maldonado wrote:
shinji wrote:Name: Ed Kevin
Birthdate (or just age): 9 May 1991 (21)
Nationality: Irish
Primary Skills: Fighting Spirit, Mountains, Endurance

Available for hire by any team.

Foster's Good Cycle would like to hire Ed! Welcome aboard and have a good, errm, cycle! :lol: We do however have one question - is this the same Ed Kevin as the multiple F1 race winner?

I very much doubt that, considering that this particular Ed Kevin was born in 1991... :lol:
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by pasta_maldonado »

Nuppiz wrote:
pasta_maldonado wrote:
shinji wrote:Name: Ed Kevin
Birthdate (or just age): 9 May 1991 (21)
Nationality: Irish
Primary Skills: Fighting Spirit, Mountains, Endurance

Available for hire by any team.

Foster's Good Cycle would like to hire Ed! Welcome aboard and have a good, errm, cycle! :lol: We do however have one question - is this the same Ed Kevin as the multiple F1 race winner?

I very much doubt that, considering that this particular Ed Kevin was born in 1991... :lol:

Maybe this particular Ed Kevin is the original Ed Kevin's son! :lol:
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by shinji »

pasta_maldonado wrote:
Nuppiz wrote:
pasta_maldonado wrote:Foster's Good Cycle would like to hire Ed! Welcome aboard and have a good, errm, cycle! :lol: We do however have one question - is this the same Ed Kevin as the multiple F1 race winner?

I very much doubt that, considering that this particular Ed Kevin was born in 1991... :lol:

Maybe this particular Ed Kevin is the original Ed Kevin's son! :lol:

Ed Kevin is my actual name, you know, in real life, so I guess he crops up a lot in the Perry forum. Ah well, apologies if it affects the consistency of the universe :lol:
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by Benetton »

Team Name: Credit Bancarotto
3 Letter Abbreviation: CBR
Nationality: Italian
Jersey Colours: Light Blue

Name: Fabiano Accelerara
Birthdate (or just age): 29
Nationality: Swiss
Primary Skills: Time Trial, Sprint, Acceleration

Name: Antonio Arena
Birthdate (or just age): 26
Nationality: Italian
Primary Skills: Recovery, Flat, Acceleration

Name: Rafael Verwest
Birthdate (or just age): 33
Nationality: Dutch
Primary Skills: Mountain, Downhill, Fighting Spirit

Name: Ragnar Solmundsson
Birthdate (or just age): 24
Nationality: Icelandic
Primary Skills: Time Trial, Endurance, Resistance

Name: Carey Brice
Birthdate (or just age): 25
Nationality: Canadian
Primary Skills: Downhill, Recovery, Endurance

Name: Nicola Casella
Birthdate (or just age): 23
Nationality: Italian
Primary Skills: Downhill, Cobbles, Recovery

Name: John Vonn
Birthdate (or just age): 28
Nationality: Canadian
Primary Skills: Cobbles, Time trial, Flat

Name: Alexandre Vache
Birthdate (or just age): 29
Nationality: French
Primary Skills: Flat, Sprint, Cobbles

Name: Piero Riccione
Birthdate (or just age): 35
Nationality: Italian
Primary Skills: Endurance, Mountain, Downhill
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by RonDenisDeletraz »

Reserve a spot for me please, I won't be able to enter until this afternoon.
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either :P

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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by Shadaza »

Fosters Good Cycle is the first team to be edited in to the database complete with all 9 riders (including Ed "Shinji" Kevin).
First thing to note is that this editor is not the friendliest, the "Add Team" feature is simply broken so instead I edited an existing team, booted all their riders out, and added all your riders in. :lol:

Also for any cycle novices out there, in general each rider will perform a specific role for the team. These range from "Leader", the person the team wants to win.
"Sprinter" (These people go out to win points for mass sprint finishes rather then overall time) "Free Element", These people are the wild cards, they are the ones that will break away from the main pack if they feel like it or often ride separate from their team to mess with others. And Finally "Team Mate", These people do everything in their power to help their Team Leader and Sprinter, it is their job to fetch water, lead the peleton in catching the break aways and setting up the sprinter for finishes. Unfortunately when placing somebody in a team I can not specify what role they will be chosen for by the AI.
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by WaffleCat »

Name:Roger Alfonse
Skills:Time Trial,Endurance,Acceleration

Name:Kang Xian Bin

Name:Michael Chow
Skills:Flat,Sprint and Acceleration
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by Londoner »

Two extra riders for Performance and Cocktails

Name: Kenta Nakimaka
Age: 27
Nationality: Japanese
Primary Skills: Time Trial, Recovery, Mountains

Name: John Jaywick
Age: 26
Nationality: British
Primary Skills: Cobbles, Endurance, Fighting Spirit

The final place in the team is up for grabs.
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by Pointrox »

Team Name: Cycling Circus
3 Letter Abbreviation: CCI
Nationality: Poland
Jersey Colours: click here :D

Name: Zsolt Gaumbartner
Birthdate (or just age): 31
Nationality: Hungarian
Primary Skills: Endurance, Sprint, Flat

Name: Stefan Popiel
Birthdate (or just age): 24
Nationality: Polish
Primary Skills: Mountain, Endurance, Resistance

Name: Tomas Knutsen
Birthdate (or just age): 45
Nationality: Danish
Primary Skills: Downhill, Fighting Spirit, Prologue

Name: Nasser Abdulrashid
Birthdate (or just age): 26
Nationality: Qatari
Primary Skills: Flat, Hills Resistance

Name: Abraham Simon
Birthdate (or just age): 22
Nationality: Israeli
Primary Skills: Cobbles, Sprint, Flat

Name: Thaksin Metharom
Birthdate (or just age): 28
Nationality: Thai
Primary Skills: Endurance, Sprint, Time Trial

I have no idea how to assign skills to those gentlemen, but I guess it's good as it is now :D
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by FMecha »

Samsung/Skoda Firehawk Cycling Team (SFC) (India)
Jesrey: Green/white/red/orange

1: Anand Singh (India, 24, mountain and recovery)
2: Jason Edison (USA, 25, fighting spirit and time trial as well as resistance)
3: Yudi Sucahyo (Indonesian, 23, prologue and sprint)
4: Nigel Roberts (British, 24, cobbles and downhill as well as flat)
5: Shuichi Iketani (Japanese, 23, hills and fighting spirit as well as sprint)

Here's mine! :)
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by Shadaza »

FMecha wrote:Samsung/Skoda Firehawk Cycling Team (SFC) (India)
Jesrey: Green/white/red/orange

1: Anand Singh (India, 24, mountain and recovery)
2: Jason Edison (USA, 25, fighting spirit and time trial as well as resistance)
3: Yudi Sucahyo (Indonesian, 23, prologue and sprint)
4: Nigel Roberts (British, 24, cobbles and downhill as well as flat)
5: Shuichi Iketani (Japanese, 23, hills and fighting spirit as well as sprint)

Here's mine! :)

You should pick 3 skills for Sucahyo and Singh because otherwise they will be at a disadvantage to the other riders. Welcome :D
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by FMecha »

Shadaza wrote:
FMecha wrote:Samsung/Skoda Firehawk Cycling Team (SFC) (India)
Jesrey: Green/white/red/orange

1: Anand Singh (India, 24, mountain and recovery)
2: Jason Edison (USA, 25, fighting spirit and time trial as well as resistance)
3: Yudi Sucahyo (Indonesian, 23, prologue and sprint)
4: Nigel Roberts (British, 24, cobbles and downhill as well as flat)
5: Shuichi Iketani (Japanese, 23, hills and fighting spirit as well as sprint)

Here's mine! :)

You should pick 3 skills for Sucahyo and Singh because otherwise they will be at a disadvantage to the other riders. Welcome :D

Just throw a dice randomly on it. ;)
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by Ataxia »

For the sheer hell of it, here's FSR's jersey.

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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by QuickYoda41 »

Two Hungarian riders already, that's more than we had in real life through the century of the 'real' Tour de France. :)

Team Name: Minardi Cycling Team
3 Letter Abbreviation: MIN
Nationality: Italy
Jersey Colours: black and white

Vincenzo Tolano (ITA, 30; Mountain, Recovery, Time Trial)
Laurens Buivart (NED, 24; Endurance, Resistance, Mountain)
Walt Beerrider (AUS, 26; Time Trial, Recovery, Cobbles)
Daniele Rampazza (ITA, 27; Hills, Acceleration, Fighting Spirit)
Alex Awang (MAS, 25; Prologue, Flat, Resistance)
Róbert Cziczkás (HUN, 23; Sprint, Acceleration, Fighting Spirit)
Thor Tromsen (NOR, 30; Hills, Downhill, Sprint)
Raul Julandro Jimenez (COL, 28; Mountain, Endurance, Acceleration)
Nicolas Pedersen (DEN, 32; Mountain, Fighting Spirit, Downhill)
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by tristan1117 »

Can Boxtel sign Roger Alfonse? That would put us to 9 players.
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by WaffleCat »

tristan1117 wrote:Can Boxtel sign Roger Alfonse? That would put us to 9 players.

Go ahead.
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What did she do in her past life to deserve this?

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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by The Lukas »

Team Name:Tiger Cycling Team
3 Letter Abbreviation:TCT
Jersey Colours:White,Silver,Red

Salimgirey Rasulov 23(Russia),Flat,Mountain,Downhill
Janne Nordman 25(Finland),Flat,Mountain,Hills
Pavel Gafurov 24(Russia),Hills,Cobbles,Mountain
Andrei Gerasimchuk 32(Belarus),Mountain,Flat,Fighting Spirit
Yusuke Tanaka 29(Japan),Resistance,Time Trial,Acceleration
Nikolay Borsukov 20(Russia),Time Trial,Mountain,Prologue
Aleksandr Stefanovic 31(Serbia),Mountain,Fighting Spirit,Recovery
Yevgeni Dus 19(Russia),Recovery,Downhill,Sprint
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by RonDenisDeletraz »

Team Name: Battery Energy Drink Cycling Team
3 Letter Abbreviation: BAT
Nationality: Finnish
Jersey Colours: Black, Silver and Yellow

Name: Jari-Matti Valanthi
Birthdate (or just age): 28 (Assuming this is in 2012)
Nationality: Finnish
Primary Skills: Mountain, Resistance, Endurance)

Name: Franco Rimolta
Birthdate (or just age): 24
Nationality: Italian
Primary Skills: (Mountain, Downhill, Resistance)

Name: Barry Firestone
Birthdate (or just age): 38
Nationality: Canadian
Primary Skills: (Flat, Sprint, Time Trial)

Name: Stefan Muller
Birthdate (or just age): 24
Nationality: German
Primary Skills: (Mountain, Time Trial, Endurance,)

Name: Phillipe Viruolien
Birthdate (or just age): 23
Nationality: French
Primary Skills: (Mountain, Hills, Acceleration)

Name: Olivier Ricard
Birthdate (or just age): 32
Nationality: French
Primary Skills: (Mountain, Resistance, Acceleration)

Name: Jan Ahlberg
Birthdate (or just age): 20
Nationality: Norweigan
Primary Skills: (Hills, Prologue, Sprint,)

Name: Ryan Nelson
Birthdate (or just age): 29
Nationality: Australian
Primary Skills: (Flat, Sprint, Acceleration)

Name: Peiter Briggs
Birthdate (or just age): 33
Nationality: South African
Primary Skills: (Resistance, Recovery, Fighting Spirit)

Can I have Valanthi as the 2008 and 2009 overall winner and Nelson as the 2011 Sprint champion please?
Last edited by RonDenisDeletraz on 29 Aug 2012, 11:52, edited 2 times in total.
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either :P

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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by Shadaza »

eurobrun wrote:Can I have Valanthi as the 2008 and 2009 overall winner and Nelson as the 2011 Sprint champion please?

Whilst I can not put down specific year wins, nor sprint champion. There is the option to make a rider a "Former World Road Race Champion" "Former World Time Trial Champion" "Former National Road Race Champion" "Former National Time Trial Champion."

You can add these as you wish, I don't know if they add any performance but it is cool backstory.
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by RonDenisDeletraz »

Shadaza wrote:
eurobrun wrote:Can I have Valanthi as the 2008 and 2009 overall winner and Nelson as the 2011 Sprint champion please?

Whilst I can not put down specific year wins, nor sprint champion. There is the option to make a rider a "Former World Road Race Champion" "Former World Time Trial Champion" "Former National Road Race Champion" "Former National Time Trial Champion."

You can add these as you wish, I don't know if they add any performance but it is cool backstory.

OK, that will do. Thanks
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either :P

tommykl wrote:I have a shite car and meme sponsors, but Corrado Fabi will carry me to the promised land with the power of Lionel Richie.
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Re: F1 Rejects Does:The Tour de France!

Post by Klon »

Well, Mizuhara is a two-time "Former National Road Race Champion" ... although the latter of those two titles is 13 years old. :lol:
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