Who is the most hated driver of all time?

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Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Kobacrashi »

After the antics of Nelson Piquet Junior over the past couple of seasons i have been thinking about the most hated driver to come into this fantastic sport. I couldn't really top Piquet for all the disrepute he has brought with him as well as his genuine lack of morals and supreme arrogance. Crashgate for instance was poor and basically although he tried to blame Flav et al if he was actually any good he wouldn't have needed to do it any way. I actally liked Flav's character and although i don't agree with him he was fun to have around, (compared to say the toyota boss, whoever he was). So i can blame him for getting rid of him. And i am sure he is sitting in his Toyota Truck right now with Nelson Senior by his side telling him it wasn't his fault and he would have been WDC if he was driving the McLaren, Ferrari or Super Aguri.

I have been thinking of other drivers but i mainly dislike them for personal reasons, like Coulthard for when he blocked Schumacher Spa '98 even though it was probably an accident i still blamed Dave as a 12year old schumacher nut, but i did come to respect and like him towards the end of his career. Also detested Frentzen but not sure why, probably because i always thought he was crap. And hated Damon Hill for his seemingly never ending excuses and robbing Villeneuve of his debut season glory. (I was 11 and thats how i remember it) Not exactly proper hatred matierial anway. Others I am not to fond of are Trulli and Giancarlo Fisichella, but that is mainly because they always looked rubbish and as if they were stealing a seat from somene better and they were not even challening Alonso.

Couldn't stand Juan Pablo Monotoya either because he always seemed fat and lazy and half the time he couldn't be bothered to turn up and race then when he found out Raikkonen was loads better than him he pretended to be hurt then skulked off to Circle racing.

Anyway enough of my incoherent ramblings!
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Tealy »

Piquet Jr will top most peoples lists (myself included) but I detest the Schumacher brothers. Half because he was overrated and way overpaid in his time in F1, but Michael. Well he has cheated so many times that I cannot imagine he is just going to be all innocent this year. Even ignoring that though you have to deal with his legions of fans who support him just because he is the most successful (Man Utd syndrome) and who will defend him to the death over every situation. He was an arrogent bathplugger who thought his success meant he was infinitely more important than everyone else.

Anyway I'll shut up before it gets messy, Piquet Jr still gets my vote for all he has done to the sport.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by dr-baker »

I don't like the word "hate" but certainly the driver I have always most disliked was Michael Schumacher, pretty much for the reasons Tealy has already given - his underhand tactics (Adelaide 1994, Jerez 1997, Monaco 2006), how he expected his teammate to be subservient to him even on a day when they were faster (Barrichello/Austria 200x), et cetera. I don't dislike PK Jnr as much - he was just an egocentric idiot. Alonso I am not keen on - why grass up your team to the FIA? They are paying you millions of pounds per year, giving you a car good enough to win the championship. Anyway, at least he went to the FIA straight away with the evidence, not waiting til he got sacked a year later...

Otherwise, just so long as there's a good, clean fight for each race and the championship, I'm generally happy to see nearly any driver do well. Vettel at Monza 2008, Webber at the Nurburgring 2009, Damon Hill win the championship in 1996...
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Phoenix »

For me, Half Ralf Schumacher was an idiot. I never liked some of his manners while on track. Another driver that gets my mention would be Nelson Piquet Sr., because he was what he himself called to Mansell once, "an uneducated blockhead". He wasn't particularly impressive when he had a bad car either. The third listed has to be Lewis Hamilton, if just for what he did in 2007 in 2008, plus the Liegate. Fortunately, he seems to have sit his head.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Frentzen127 »

One cannot hate both Schuey and Damon at the same time.
If you do, I think you have issues. :D

I think the reason I can't stand Schu is because of his fans. He's a brilliant driver, but the fans ruin the experience. That and because he single handedly made F1 unwatchable for 6 years. I liked Montoya during his Williams years, despite all of his flaws, but I don't like him as much now. And even so, I sighed with relief when he didn't win the 2003 title. He's very good, but I don't think he's the champion my country deserves. It may be a bit cynical, but I'm willing to wait 20 years for someone worthy to come along.

And while Piquet is my second choice, I think Schuey still beats him. Despite all the influence Nelson Sr. may have had over Jr, Jr should have had a better place for a startup season than Renault. Particularly because Kovalianen seems to be pretty average too, but I think his first season may have looked better than it really was because his team mate was Fisi. Not excusing Nelson here, merely pointing something out.

Did I mention the Schumacher fans already?
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by eagleash »

I never really liked Hunt or Mansell.

Kind of disliked Prost & Stewart whilst still respecting their abilities.

The jingoism of Hamilton fans, really annoys me. I don't want him to do well, just to spite them.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Kobacrashi »

eagleash wrote:I never really liked Hunt or Mansell.

Kind of disliked Prost & Stewart whilst still respecting their abilities.

The jingoism of Hamilton fans, really annoys me. I don't want him to do well, just to spite them.

I don't support anyone as i think you can't enjoy sport if you are blinded by wanting one team/entity to win(I enjoy watching Football and love chamions league as it is always entertaining but when i watch my team(Crystal Palace) i end up swearing at the ref and general things a lot) Same goes in F1. Hamilton fans, if they exist don't actually like F1 as a sport they are just part of the annoying crusades by newspapers and the media, mainly the sun and the news of the world. They just cheer on hamilton as there is always a sob story about his dad working 90 hours a week so he could fund his sons petrol habbit. Basically they are bandwagon jumpers who respond to Jensonmania or Lewisteria all too much and then ruin my days at work by talking nonsensical crap about how Lewis/Jenson/British Entity was incredibly unlucky because Ferrari cheated/unfair penalty/Fernando Alonso. Remember when Hamilton went into Alonso(Bahrain), James Allen decided it was Alonso's Fault as he brake tested him. If Fernando was in my office or any other that day he would have been beaten by all the idiots who listen to the media crap. These are the same people who became massive tennis fans due to Andy Murray and loved Rugby when we won the world cup. Anyway, after thinking about my own question some more, I just hate who ever the media is bigging up at the moment as it ruins the sport I love.

So my most hated drivers are, Jenson, Lewis, then Damon i guess.

At least schumacher made all these people shut up in England.

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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by coops »

'Hate' is quite a strong word when its being used in context with a sport we all enjoy. Again, I'd like to believe as F1 fans we're a bit more sophisticated than retarded soccer fans. I used to feel disapointment when Schumacher beat Hill but I wasnt happy when he injured himself at Silverstone '99; it robbed my sport of a genuine contender. Ralf Schumacher could be as bone-idle as Kimi Raikkonen when he felt like it but I just laughed at the way he wasted his career.

I'll nominate Alonso for reasons that dont need repeating here. In my book he still has much work to do to redeem himself.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by DemocalypseNow »

JACQUES "I'M AN ARROGANT TWAT, BOW DOWN TO ME MY MINIONS (even though I'm utter shite)" VILLENEUVE :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Thanks for ruining Stefan GP for me you ass.

Although in the future, I will do everything in my power (admittedly very little) to stop a certain junior driver succeeding in Formula one...
Alex Rossi. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by shinji »

Really didn't like Jacques Villenueve. I started watching in F1 in 2001, so he just seemed to be hogging a seat in a decent team. I didn't really realise that just a few years earlier he'd been WC. When that was taken in to account, it just made it worse.

Piquet Jr.'s probably the most universally disliked.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Henrique »

Michael Schumacher, Nelson Piquet Jr and, after watching his shenanigans on this forum's YouTube thread, Olivier Grouillard.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by ibsey »

I agree with whats been said, that "hate" is a bit of a strong word. However, apart from those that have already been mentioned, the drivers I most dislike, have been the ones who have tried to play politics instead of beating their rivals out on the track. I know it is a way to gain an advantage by unsettling your opponent. However to me, if a driver chooses to play politics, then it incidates that they already know they can't beat their rival in driving skill alone. So they have to resort to this underhanded way. Therefore they are already "losers" in my book. A couple of drivers who fall under this category for me are;

Dider Pironi - After what he did to Gilles Villeneueve in 1982. Especially in light of how welcoming Gilles was to Dider beforehand. For instance just before Brazil 1982, Dider had a massive testing accident, which shook his confidence when he did arrive at Brazil. As a result Dider was some 2 seconds slower than Villeneueve in practice & qualifying. However Gilles took Nigel Roebuck (a reporter for autosport) to once side and asked him not to write or say anything bad about Dider being being so slow (unheard of in todays F1). Furthermore Gilles explained the circumstances why Dider being off the pace. Obviously we all know what happened just a few weeks later as a result of Dider stuffing over Gilles.

Eddie Irvine - He always seemed to be rude, arrogant & danagerous on the track to me. You only have to read the examples listed in the "reject wet drivers thread" here to see what I mean. As I said there, for someone who talks the talk so much, he fought like an insurance saleman, when Senna punched him. Also despite being extermely weathly he is extermely tight with his money (which probably explained his stupid haircut early on in his career, as he probably still got his mum to cut his hair for him). Again he resorted to playing mind games, perhaps because he knew deep down he wasn't good enough to win on sheer pace alone.

Jan Magenssen - Jackie Stewart gave him so many chances to be succeed in F1. Yet Jan never seemed to give F1 his full commitment. For example he didn't quit smoking, as I believe Jackie repeately had asked him to. I know plenty of people (including me) who would give their right arm & leg to get the breaks Jan did. So to throw it away as he did, seems such a waste.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by FullMetalJack »

Kobacrashi wrote:(I enjoy watching Football and love chamions league as it is always entertaining but when i watch my team(Crystal Palace) i end up swearing at the ref and general things a lot)

Off topic but, I hope Crystal palace win tonight, I also tend to swear at the ref sometimes.

Back onto topic, I don't actually hate drivers, I dislike arrogant drivers though. Unlike most people on this forum, I actually am a huge Jenson Button fan but I have been since I started watching F1.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Pieman »

redbulljack14 wrote:Off topic but, I hope Crystal palace win tonight, I also tend to swear at the ref sometimes.

Phail! :D

(Could have been worse - you could have watched/suffered the West Brom-Reading game like I did.)

On topic: my least favourite driver of recent years was certainly Michael Schumacher. Partly due to his own attitude, but mainly because in the early 2000s he seemed to be allowed to get away with doing exactly what he wanted.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by IdeFan »

I've thought for a good few minutes about this (surely some kind of internet forum record) and I think the closest i've come to hating a driver is Michael Schumacher. As a British Williams fan most of his early success came at the expense of Williams and Damon Hill in particular. I was 7 when he rammed Damon to win the title and that left a lasting negative impression on me. This wasn't helped with the period of very boring dominance, as well as the odd bit of questionable team orders. Despite all this, I did start to respect and even warm to Schumi during his last couple of years and retirement, so much so that I am quite excited to see him come back and take on the young guns.

Piquet and Ralf seem obvious choices for the title of most hated driver, but to me they are figures that I love to hate, So much so that my family and I often refer to "Ralf Piquet" and the big question this year is "who is going to be the new Ralf?" (perhaps Ralf will be the new Ralf!). Anyway, this leaves me with a certain affection for Ralf and Piquet in some perverse way.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by deCrasheris »

kostas22 wrote:JACQUES "I'M AN ARROGANT TWAT, BOW DOWN TO ME MY MINIONS (even though I'm utter shite)" VILLENEUVE :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Thanks for ruining Stefan GP for me you ass.

Although in the future, I will do everything in my power (admittedly very little) to stop a certain junior driver succeeding in Formula one...
Alex Rossi. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I can see Villenuve sonce he's arrogant, failed in NASCAR :lol: and dosen't realize that 1997 was 13 years ago. I'm wondering what do you have against Alex Rossi if you don't mind me asking. He might be the next great United States hope. Or hopeless :lol:
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Collieafc »

Jacques Villeneuve, although it could be funny watching him rant and thinking he had talent

Until the 2nd half of 2009, I would have said Hamilton for the same reasons as others listed, but had proven he has ability (though it was funny watching the jingoism mob get confused when Button started winning and showing them up for being little more than hangers on

Alonso's ego gets on my nerves though
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Myrvold »

Well guys, don't kill me... I do think Jacques Villeneuve had, and still have lots of talent, as the article on f1rejects say, the last time in BAR was a bad thing, but after all, he was faster than Frentzen, Zonta and Panis, and he kept up with Heidfeld... gotta count for something...

Oh and kobacrashi, do you actually like any driver, u list Piquet jr, Coulthard, Frentzen, Hill, Trulli(well, he was faster than Alonso until Flav said: U'r out! And after some races Villeneuve arrived), Fisichella, Montoya, Button and Hamilton... that's a huge list, and when u still are a Schumacher-fan... :P woah!

I can't see any drivers I hate... but I know that i don't want Hamilton to be WDC again, nor Schumacher, but that's mainly it...
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by shinji »

Myrvold wrote: and he kept up with Heidfeld... gotta count for something...

Heidfeld keeping up with Heidfeld didn't count for anything.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Barbazza »

Ignoring personal rivalries, most of the drivers in the 80s would probably say Philippe Alliot I suspect. Other regular blockers like De Cesaris and Arnoux at least had their days in the sun, but watching 80s (and early 90s) races back it's amazing how consistently dreadful Alliot was on the track.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by f1-gast »

deffently Christiaan (Kw)Albers
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by thehemogoblin »

f1-gast wrote:deffently Christiaan (Kw)Albers

If nothing else, he's Yuji Ide's least-favorite driver.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by f1-gast »

thehemogoblin wrote:
f1-gast wrote:deffently Christiaan (Kw)Albers

If nothing else, he's Yuji Ide's least-favorite driver.

hhaa you don't mean it ?
Well i met him twice but he is very arrogant if you ask it me, he got a high self-conceit.
He should have stay in the DTM he would be one of the biggest names in the DTM.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by thehemogoblin »

f1-gast wrote:
thehemogoblin wrote:
f1-gast wrote:deffently Christiaan (Kw)Albers

If nothing else, he's Yuji Ide's least-favorite driver.

hhaa you don't mean it ?
Well i met him twice but he is very arrogant if you ask it me, he got a high self-conceit.
He should have stay in the DTM he would be one of the biggest names in the DTM.

You're lucky you've met him. I'm pretty sure that the closest I've ever been to a Formula One driver was about 120 miles. This is what happens when you're from a rural town in the middle of nowhere in a small American state.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by f1-gast »

thehemogoblin wrote:
You're lucky you've met him. I'm pretty sure that the closest I've ever been to a Formula One driver was about 120 miles. This is what happens when you're from a rural town in the middle of nowhere in a small American state.

Hmmm yeah i can understand that.
I met also a lot of old dutch f1 drivers like Michael Bleekemolen, Jos Verstappen, Huub Rothengatter, Robert Doornbos, Christaan Albers, Jan Lammers.
A few of them Michael and Jan are always on the circuit at zandvoort. And im there at least 1 time a month so yes i seem them a few times a year.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Waris »

I agree, Albers was very annoying, but I didn't exactly hate him. In fact, I've never really hated any driver, except maybe Piquetinho.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by DemocalypseNow »

deCrasheris wrote:
kostas22 wrote:JACQUES "I'M AN ARROGANT TWAT, BOW DOWN TO ME MY MINIONS (even though I'm utter shite)" VILLENEUVE :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Thanks for ruining Stefan GP for me you ass.

Although in the future, I will do everything in my power (admittedly very little) to stop a certain junior driver succeeding in Formula one...
Alex Rossi. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I can see Villenuve sonce he's arrogant, failed in NASCAR :lol: and dosen't realize that 1997 was 13 years ago. I'm wondering what do you have against Alex Rossi if you don't mind me asking. He might be the next great United States hope. Or hopeless :lol:

HOPELESS. Summerton FTW :mrgreen:
And it's err...personal. No, really.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Waris »

kostas22 wrote:
deCrasheris wrote:I can see Villenuve sonce he's arrogant, failed in NASCAR :lol: and dosen't realize that 1997 was 13 years ago. I'm wondering what do you have against Alex Rossi if you don't mind me asking. He might be the next great United States hope. Or hopeless :lol:

HOPELESS. Summerton FTW :mrgreen:
And it's err...personal. No, really.

You keep saying that mysterious stuff all the time. Are you ever going to explain it? Did he hit you when you were little children, or what?
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by DemocalypseNow »

Waris wrote:
kostas22 wrote:HOPELESS. Summerton FTW :mrgreen:
And it's err...personal. No, really.

You keep saying that mysterious stuff all the time. Are you ever going to explain it? Did he hit you when you were little children, or what?

Summerton has a similar issue with him...something I call the 'God complex'. Albeit our motives are different.
And that's where I shall draw the line :)
Novitopoli wrote:Everytime someone orders at Pizza Hut, an Italian dies.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by FullMetalJack »

Barbazza wrote:Ignoring personal rivalries, most of the drivers in the 80s would probably say Philippe Alliot I suspect. Other regular blockers like De Cesaris and Arnoux at least had their days in the sun, but watching 80s (and early 90s) races back it's amazing how consistently dreadful Alliot was on the track.

Apparently James Hunt said he was one of the worst Grand Prix drivers ever to drive a Grand Prix car.

It would have been great if he was still alive to watch Deletraz, it would be nothing but expletives from him.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Jynister »

I don't totally dislike any drivers, but a few have had their moments. Trulli after the Brazilian GP last year, Montoya in the weeks before he was booted from McLaren and possibly JV. I've never really liked JV, but I don't know why.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Barbazza »

redbulljack14 wrote:Apparently James Hunt said he was one of the worst Grand Prix drivers ever to drive a Grand Prix car.

It would have been great if he was still alive to watch Deletraz, it would be nothing but expletives from him.

Absolutely! Though I actually think he would have been less tough on Deletraz than Alliot, recognising his lack of speed but also that his pay packet got him the drive, something which didn't really apply to Alliot. James Hunt could be harsh at times, but he was usually fair, and people forget that he did change his opinions on drivers if they had worked hard to turn their reputation (or his opinion of them) around - the most notable example being Riccardo Patrese.

I'm just looking at Alliot's record now and it really is quite dreadful. 7 points in over 100 races, and you could argue that most of those were in poor machinery, but many of those points were pretty lucky too. In fact he should be in the 'You lucky bastard' section of the website and worthy of an article I reckon.

Just grabbed a couple of reference books, let's take a look.

1984 (RAM) - Strangely only 3 accidents.
1985 (RAM) - 5 accidents including the stupid one with Brundle in Detroit and all of 1 classified finish.
1986 (Ligier) - Replacing Laffite mid-season. In a decent car scored only 1 point but at least had no major brain-fades.
1987 (Larrousse) - 3 6th places (one in a race with 6 finishers!) but 4 accidents.
1988 (Larrousse) - 3 accidents
1989 (Larrousse) - 5 accidents, 1 6th place
1990 (Ligier) - 2 daft disqualifications, 3 accidents including the utterly absurd one with Mansell in Spain which I still can't believe actually happened it's so spectacularly dumb, endless blocking.
1991-1992 - Mysteriously unemployed in F1.
1993 (Larrousse) - 4 accidents, 1 5th place (in a race with 7 finishers)
1994 (McLaren/Larrousse) - Apparently he did a couple of races. The world carried on turning.

Pretty bad all told, especially the amount of baulking that isn't covered by pure stats. Other not particularly great drivers eg Dalmas, Suzuki, Comas, looked miles better in the same machinery.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Yannick »

It's likely that it is somebody who's had to do with the 1955 Le Mans disaster.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by RAK »

Yannick wrote:It's likely that it is somebody who's had to do with the 1955 Le Mans disaster.

Mike Hawthorn was probably the most responsible party in that situation; even though Pierre Levegh was getting on in years and was never really going to follow up the success he'd had in the 1952 race (almost won, despite driving by himself for twenty-three hours straight!), he wasn't the one who braked suddenly and caused the Austin-Healey that Levegh ended up rolling over to swerve into the middle of the track.

Incidentally, Levegh was an F1 Reject, while Hawthorn would go on to become the 1958 Formula One champion - and then die shortly after in a road incident.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by FullMetalJack »

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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by BigG80 »

Kobacrashi wrote:
eagleash wrote:I never really liked Hunt or Mansell.

Kind of disliked Prost & Stewart whilst still respecting their abilities.

The jingoism of Hamilton fans, really annoys me. I don't want him to do well, just to spite them.

I don't support anyone as i think you can't enjoy sport if you are blinded by wanting one team/entity to win(I enjoy watching Football and love chamions league as it is always entertaining but when i watch my team(Crystal Palace) i end up swearing at the ref and general things a lot) Same goes in F1. Hamilton fans, if they exist don't actually like F1 as a sport they are just part of the annoying crusades by newspapers and the media, mainly the sun and the news of the world. They just cheer on hamilton as there is always a sob story about his dad working 90 hours a week so he could fund his sons petrol habbit. Basically they are bandwagon jumpers who respond to Jensonmania or Lewisteria all too much and then ruin my days at work by talking nonsensical crap about how Lewis/Jenson/British Entity was incredibly unlucky because Ferrari cheated/unfair penalty/Fernando Alonso. Remember when Hamilton went into Alonso(Bahrain), James Allen decided it was Alonso's Fault as he brake tested him. If Fernando was in my office or any other that day he would have been beaten by all the idiots who listen to the media crap. These are the same people who became massive tennis fans due to Andy Murray and loved Rugby when we won the world cup. Anyway, after thinking about my own question some more, I just hate who ever the media is bigging up at the moment as it ruins the sport I love.

So my most hated drivers are, Jenson, Lewis, then Damon i guess.

At least schumacher made all these people shut up in England.


I'm sorry but you're telling me that I cannot be a fan of Hamilton because of what now?

I've been watching F1 since 1991 so I think I've got the credentials to be able to choose which drivers I like and support. If you must know I like Hamilton because I was at Silverstone in 2006 and saw him win the Sunday GP2 race from 8th on the grid finishing 10 seconds up the road from the second placed driver. All that in about 25 laps is no mean feat and included that famous three abreast move through Maggots where he frightened Piquet off the road. He impressed me that day so when he was announced for 2007 in F1 I naturally supported him. Nothing to with whatever jingoistic carp you've encountered. And yes, I am aware that some people support him because of that but frankly that is their problem. Just ignore them if it bothers you so much.


I don't dislike many drivers in F1. Used to really not like Schumacher but I grew up and I respect him as a driver even with some of his antics. At the end of the day, they're all human and they all have good points and bad points.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Kobacrashi »

Not saying that i hate him, i respect him and not everyone that supports him aannoys me, I have been working in my job 7 years and nobody even talked about f1 till he came along, but i suppose that is good. I just don't like the opinions of uneducated fools and the stupid commentry. For the record i was just stating reasons why i could hate drivers, not that i do.
I like pretty much all drivers, the only one i have ever really disliked is JPM. I was trying to create some discussion on the forum to see if anyone agreed with my viewpoints, which it seems they don't. LOL.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Captain Hammer »

Ralf Schumacher will be hated because of his ego. The third-best driver in the sport oes not spend most of his time in last.

Nelson Piquet will be hated because of his attitude. Most of his actions were done simply to spite everyone, and he never accepted his faults as his own.

Andy Soucek will also be hated because of his attitude. Just because you're Spanish does not mean you're the next Fernando Alonso.

Lewis Hamilton will be hated because of his start. Most drivers have to handle a dog of a car before having success.

Jacques Villeneuve will be hated because he is Jacques Villeneuve. And because he thought he could sing.

Kazuki Nakajima will be hated because he was a waste of space. He was a part of Williams' Toyota deal, but that didn't stop him from being slow.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Warren Hughes »

Captain Hammer wrote:Kazuki Nakajima will be hated because he was a waste of space. He was a part of Williams' Toyota deal, but that didn't stop him from being slow.

Disagree. Kazuki Nakajima will merely be forgotten.
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Re: Who is the most hated driver of all time?

Post by Klon »

Captain Hammer wrote:Ralf Schumacher will be hated because of his ego. The third-best driver in the sport oes not spend most of his time in last

You've got to be kidding me... *facepalm*
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