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2021 Discussion Thread

Posted: 07 Jul 2020, 14:46
by FullMetalJack
The silly season kicks off in style.

Fernando Alonso is back!!!!!

Re: 2021 Silly Season Thread

Posted: 07 Jul 2020, 15:02
by rachel1990
Well Unless Vettel pulls off a miracle and gets the Mercedes or Red Bull seat, that is the end of his career in F1 for a while.

Can't see him going to Alfa or Haas...

Re: 2021 Silly Season Thread

Posted: 07 Jul 2020, 15:15
by Miguel98
This is the dumbest move in a while for an F1 team and driver I've seen.

No one will benefit anything from this. While it seems Renault made progress, Alonso won't be the key factor they need to push it forward. Just look at what happened at McLaren. At Ferrari. At his second stint at Renault. Alonso has never been the driver a team needed to give that push it needs to break.

And of course, Renault are going to pay big bucks for sure for him. I honestly feel liek this move can end faster with Renault leaving F1 than staying in the sport. Especially with no customers left after this year.

Re: 2021 Silly Season Thread

Posted: 07 Jul 2020, 16:22
by Paul Hayes
I know Alonso always hinted the door wasn't completely closed, but I can't fathom why he'd want to arse around in the midfield with Renault.

Re: 2021 Silly Season Thread

Posted: 07 Jul 2020, 20:32
by Wallio
Miguel98 wrote:While it seems Renault made progress

I have to respectfully disagree there. Renault is stuck in neutral until Cyril gets the (long over due) boot. Although maybe Alonso has enough sway to make that happen. That could be a plus. Also, they are the only Renault engined car next year, so if they can use the reintroduced token system to catch lighting in a bottle (extremely unlikely) they'll be the only ones with it. So two pluses, both of which are hypotheticals right now. Otherwise this is a really dumb move for Fernado.

Re: 2021 Silly Season Thread

Posted: 07 Jul 2020, 21:49
by UncreativeUsername37
Paul Hayes wrote:I know Alonso always hinted the door wasn't completely closed, but I can't fathom why he'd want to arse around in the midfield with Renault.

It is weird when he always said he was only interested in a top team. I'm not complaining, though, he's good enough for F1 so I'm glad he'll be in it.

I'd be scared if I was Renault. We all know what interest from Alonso means about the performance of your team!

Re: 2021 Silly Season Thread

Posted: 08 Jul 2020, 00:39
by Alextrax52
Why Renault why? I love Alonso but he’s bordering on turning 40 and he’s going to command even more wages then the already expensive Ricciardo. Quite why he’s decided to join a Renault team that’s been the definition of mid-table the last few years I’ve no idea

Also I agree with Rach, this is probably the end of Vettel in F1. Not that his performance and attitude last weekend convinced me that’s the case anyway

Re: 2021 Silly Season Thread

Posted: 08 Jul 2020, 02:08
by CaptainGetz12
Freeze-O-Kimi wrote:Why Renault why? I love Alonso but he’s bordering on turning 40 and he’s going to command even more wages then the already expensive Ricciardo. Quite why he’s decided to join a Renault team that’s been the definition of mid-table the last few years I’ve no idea

Also I agree with Rach, this is probably the end of Vettel in F1. Not that his performance and attitude last weekend convinced me that’s the case anyway

I mean, Kimi is still kicking without much fuss at 40. Maybe Flavio convinced Renault after all to take Alonso back?

Re: 2021 Silly Season Thread

Posted: 08 Jul 2020, 13:24
by FullMetalJack
I know full well this won't work out the way he wants it to, but i'm prepared to live in denial until Renault inevitably shite the bed.

Re: 2021 Silly Season Thread

Posted: 08 Jul 2020, 17:04
by Rob Dylan
I agree - I'm quite willing to void my logical brain bit of my head to revel in the fact that we'll have two more seasons of Alonso. It's going to be a disaster, but I'm more than looking forward to it :dance:

Re: 2021 Silly Season Thread

Posted: 20 Jan 2021, 21:05
by Rob Dylan

Let's get 2021 started off with the news that Sauber Alfa Romeo (I keep making that mistake) have named their new chassis the C41, despite the fact that the 2020 chassis was called the C39. This is because they have delayed work on the C40 to 2022, so the C41 will precede the C40 despite the fact that they could literally just switch the numbers and nobody would notice.


Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 20 Jan 2021, 21:11
by Aislabie
How very silly of them

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 21 Jan 2021, 00:05
by BJ McLeod
They are still well and truly Sauber to me

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 22 Jan 2021, 06:15
by Belegur
Let's explore something else: as of this point, I believe Hamilton has still not signed a deal for 2021 onwards with Mercedes. You can argue what the sticking points are, whether money, or the potential future of Russell within the team, or something else. Still, they'd have to ink out a deal fairly soon, and I wouldn't want Hamilton to end up like Mansell - losing a drive over contract issues.

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 22 Jan 2021, 08:32
by Rob Dylan
Hamilton to IndyCar 2021 confirmed? :lol:

But I agree. From what I have heard through the rumour mill is that the last negotiations hinge on Russell. Initially it was Wolff staying on, which he now is, but then Mercedes are probably promoting Russell for 2022, which Hamilton is apparently against.

Honestly, I wouldn't be upset if the above is true, that Mercedes just went ahead and called his bluff. I think there's a little bit of hurt honour since Sakhir and Russell's incredible performance that weekend.

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 22 Jan 2021, 11:18
by takagi_for_the_win
Belegur wrote:Let's explore something else: as of this point, I believe Hamilton has still not signed a deal for 2021 onwards with Mercedes. You can argue what the sticking points are, whether money, or the potential future of Russell within the team, or something else. Still, they'd have to ink out a deal fairly soon, and I wouldn't want Hamilton to end up like Mansell - losing a drive over contract issues.

Yeah, it seems fishy to me. The only thing I can think is that Toto has already given Romain a secret test, and the team are now mulling over whether to give Lewis the megabucks he wants, or whether to plump for the cheaper and much more Gallicy handsome Romain Grosjean.

This is literally all I can imagine the hold-up to be.

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 22 Jan 2021, 12:30
by Pinkd56
I'm also in the No Hamilton for 2021 camp now.

I thought I'd be happy when it happened but not like this!! :roll:

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 22 Jan 2021, 13:56
by rachel1990
Rob Dylan wrote:Hamilton to IndyCar 2021 confirmed? :lol:

But I agree. From what I have heard through the rumour mill is that the last negotiations hinge on Russell. Initially it was Wolff staying on, which he now is, but then Mercedes are probably promoting Russell for 2022, which Hamilton is apparently against.

Honestly, I wouldn't be upset if the above is true, that Mercedes just went ahead and called his bluff. I think there's a little bit of hurt honour since Sakhir and Russell's incredible performance that weekend.

Hamilton is also not helping himself with his pay demands too. Yes, he is a seven-time world champion and all that, but he needs to see that the world has changed and so Mercedes like all f1 teams have had to make cutbacks etc.. It wouldn't look good if Hamilton got his pay demands and yet Mercedes made a load of people redundant at the same time

I would call Hamiltons bluff and put Russell in the car in 2021. That would shut him up.

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 22 Jan 2021, 14:58
by dr-baker
rachel1990 wrote:
Rob Dylan wrote:Hamilton to IndyCar 2021 confirmed? :lol:

But I agree. From what I have heard through the rumour mill is that the last negotiations hinge on Russell. Initially it was Wolff staying on, which he now is, but then Mercedes are probably promoting Russell for 2022, which Hamilton is apparently against.

Honestly, I wouldn't be upset if the above is true, that Mercedes just went ahead and called his bluff. I think there's a little bit of hurt honour since Sakhir and Russell's incredible performance that weekend.

Hamilton is also not helping himself with his pay demands too. Yes, he is a seven-time world champion and all that, but he needs to see that the world has changed and so Mercedes like all f1 teams have had to make cutbacks etc.. It wouldn't look good if Hamilton got his pay demands and yet Mercedes made a load of people redundant at the same time

I would call Hamiltons bluff and put Russell in the car in 2021. That would shut him up.

Russell to Mercedes, and his replacement at Williams to be... their new senior advisor, Jenson Button?

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 22 Jan 2021, 15:48
by Rob Dylan
That was literally going to be my next comment. Jenson Button could be the biggest Williams super-sub since Paul di Resta! :D

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 24 Jan 2021, 08:49
by James1978
Put Hamilton in the Williams. That'll shut him up! :-)

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 24 Jan 2021, 15:03
by Fetzie
Russell to Merc and Hamilton to Williams would be the silliest of silly seasons in a long time (and bankrupt Williams in the process so it's not particularly likely).

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 24 Jan 2021, 17:03
by dr-baker
Russell to Merc, Button to Williams, Hamilton on sabbatical...

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 26 Jan 2021, 10:15
by Rob Dylan

So there's a new movie coming out about F1, but it's actually about crime and it's got Robert de Niro? The director most recently did the fourth Purge film? Apparently it will use footage from 2021? This is silly :chilton:

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 26 Jan 2021, 11:10
by dr-baker
Autosport wrote:The film is set to be the first Hollywood production based around contemporary grand prix racing since Bobby Deerfield, which starred Al Pacino and included footage shot during the 1976 season.

Has anybody heard of this Bobby Deerfield film before? Is it any good? Is it worth trying to find it to watch?

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 26 Jan 2021, 12:16
by Nuppiz
dr-baker wrote:
Autosport wrote:The film is set to be the first Hollywood production based around contemporary grand prix racing since Bobby Deerfield, which starred Al Pacino and included footage shot during the 1976 season.

Has anybody heard of this Bobby Deerfield film before? Is it any good? Is it worth trying to find it to watch?

I hadn't heard of it before but I checked the Wikipedia article. Apparently it's pretty boring.

E: It's on YouTube if you want to give it a go.

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 26 Jan 2021, 15:03
by Frogfoot9013
Wait, the Hamilton contract lark is actually for real and not just the British press desperate for something to write about?
Merc better put Gutiérrez in the car if Hamilton ends up not signing a contract! :P

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 11:20
by yannicksamlad
I'm struggling with any idea that Lewis won't drive a Mercedes this year. We don't think he's got anything else to do, he's training...
So it's just a question of doing the deal, surely. I'm sure he's asked for a lot of money, but that's normal.
If he's asked for permission to be more political...that could be more tricky, I suppose.
Keeps F1 in the news though.

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 12:18
by Ataxia
Nobody knows the current contract situation - it's between Hamilton, Wolff and the lawyers. Anyone who says they have inside info is probably grasping at straws...

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 28 Jan 2021, 17:09
by Yannick
The (how can I best say it?) Bluntness of Cyril Abiteboul will be missed this upcoming season. More often than not, in the F1Rejects days, did it make the "Big News in Formula 1" segment of Jamie & Enoch's podcast.

The grid has lost another team principal who it was easy to root for, kind of like when Arrivabene's stint on top of the Prancing Horse ended.

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 28 Jan 2021, 21:52
by Wallio
yannicksamlad wrote: I'm sure he's asked for a lot of money, but that's normal.
If he's asked for permission to be more political...that could be more tricky, I suppose.

The rumor here in America is that the issue is a weird hybrid of both of those. Allegedly Lewis wants a very long contract, but only a few years (most rumors claim 3 or less) would be as a driver. The reset would be as a Mercedes Brand Ambassador/Official Social Justice Champion/Political Spokesman (which while all over the top actually are actual "titles" for this position I've heard dropped). Lewis also supposedly wants the same pay (however much that is) across all years of the contract. I don't care if a company is left/right/center, conservative/liberal/apolitical, I just can't see any company making that deal, with anyone.

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 29 Jan 2021, 10:04
by Rob Dylan

Race-starts are back on the hour again, so at least a little less confusing. :P no more 10-past race starts.

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 29 Jan 2021, 10:24
by Frogfoot9013
I had honestly not even noticed whilst watching races that there were such odd start times up until now.
Shows you how much I've been paying attention to what I'm watching. :P

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 29 Jan 2021, 15:52
by Wallio
Rob Dylan wrote:

Race-starts are back on the hour again, so at least a little less confusing. :P no more 10-past race starts.

But will we still get the overly dramatic shots of the Rolex start line clock minute hand ticking over just before the formation lap?

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 29 Jan 2021, 16:29
by dr-baker
Wallio wrote:
Rob Dylan wrote:

Race-starts are back on the hour again, so at least a little less confusing. :P no more 10-past race starts.

But will we still get the overly dramatic shots of the Rolex start line clock minute hand ticking over just before the formation lap?

Probably. Well, it's not likely to be the Casio digital start line clock ticking over to the start time, is it?! :twisted:

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 29 Jan 2021, 17:05
by Miguel98
You know how last year we had some very dumb Grand Prix names? How can we forget the incredible "Formula 1 Pirelli Gran Premio della Toscana Ferrari 1000 2020" name for the Tuscan Grand Prix?

Well, the 2021 race at Imola will be called the... Gran Premio del Made in Italy e dell'Emilia-Romagna. Which is just... why? :vergne: :roll:

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 29 Jan 2021, 17:07
by Frogfoot9013
Surely whoever came up with that atrocity of a name should be standing in the dock in the Hague soon enough.

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 31 Jan 2021, 13:19
by Enforcer
It's a game of brinksmanship between Merc and Hamilton I suspect.

Mercedes would've won both championships last year with any 2 of at least half the drivers on grid in their car. But if Red Bull, or God forbid, Ferrari close the gap over the next two seasons then suddenly they do need Hamilton to win, imo. It's well established I'm not his biggest fan, but he's been head & shoulders the best driver on the grid for the past 3 years. Russell is good, but he's young so entrusting him with team leadership as soon as he arrives may not work, and Bottas just doesn't have the ability to fend off someone of the calibre of Verstappen, Leclerc or even Hamilton himself having found his way to another team, if they had the machinery to compete with Mercedes.

Hamilton surely knows this. But equally, Merc are probably confident that they'll still be the best with a bit of a margin for 2021 at least, so they might be willing to take a risk on dropping Hamilton for Russell if they think he's being totally unreasonable.

And then you also have that persistent question that cannot truly be answered by fans when there's a dominant car and driver combo: How much of Merc dominance comes from Hamilton's testing and development work?

Ultimately, I expect they'll meet somewhere in the middle of their current positions on the matter.

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 04 Feb 2021, 10:54
by Miguel98
Alpha Tauri's launch is on 19th February!

Re: The 2021 (Silly) Season Thread

Posted: 05 Feb 2021, 01:03
by Frogfoot9013
You know you're deep into silly season when F1 once again tries hunting for its white whale, otherwise known as two F1 races in the USA in a single season. ... a/5341146/