Tag Archives: Osella

Profile – François Migault

What makes the most interesting human stories is often the compulsion involved in their rise from nothing to something. However, many Formula 1 drivers are financially quite well-endowed, and the interest in them comes from what they do rather than who they are. François Migault

Profile – Allen Berg

Not all rejects are poor drivers, and not all poor drivers are rejects. For once, we will discuss a driver whose luck was neither with him nor against him, just as his talent was neither world-beating nor lacking. Allen Berg, one of the surprisingly few

Profile – Corrado Fabi

While it is unlikely that racing ability is something that passes along in genetics, there are the occasional moments, be it the Schumachers, Rosbergs or Villeneuves, where more than one member of a racing family can possess boatloads of talent. One such example which is